Dr. Yashashwini
Assistant Professor

Dr. Yashashwini is a enthusiastic and charismatic feminine personality. Her immense thirst for knowledge and dedication to academics shows the road map for futuristic education. Her specialization and forte are in general management and marketing, with more than 10 years of teaching experience and industry exposure. Her career started with Oracle India Pvt Ltd as an Accounts receivable analyst within the tenure of 18 months she fetched YAR award during 2011 for her exemplary work performance. Her career progressed with the designation as Assistant Professor in Presidency College and being an active member of Management club- Marketing, Cultural club, NAAC criteria member and playing a vital role in exam committee. She has received many awards for achieving 100% result from students for the subjects such as Marketing Management, Brand Management, and Business research methods during the year 2014-2017. She was invited as a session chair for an International Conference organized by CMS Jain Deemed to be University. Moving ahead in the career worked as Associate Professor at CMS Jain Deemed to be University and worked as a significant member with Research committee. Adaptability and being intuitive are the personality traits she carries. She believes humility and a down-to-earth attitude are the fragrances of a learning atmosphere.

Dr. Yashashwini
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